Orthodontics in Richmond Hill & Thornhill

Teeth Whitening in Richmond Hill & Thornhill

In the world of orthodontics, significant advancements have revolutionized the way we straighten teeth. Gone are the days of bulky steel bands encircling each tooth, which often left patients with a mouth full of metal.

Orthodontics has come a long way!

Traditional metal bands have been replaced with discreet brackets, securely bonded to the front of teeth. These brackets are smaller, less conspicuous, and offer greater comfort. Orthodontics is not just for children and teenagers either. Nowadays, more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment, benefiting from these modern solutions as well.

It's amazing how far your teeth can be moved by orthodontic procedures. Your bone reacts to the tension created by the braces by creating special cells on each side of the tooth. These cells allow the tooth to shift in the bone while repairing the bone from where the tooth originally was.

Some children naturally have straight teeth, while others may need some help with teeth alignment. Tooth size and alignment are hereditary traits, as are 'malocclusions'—a dental term for a 'bad bite.' Orthodontics effectively corrects these malocclusions, ensuring your child's teeth align correctly.

There are a number of different malocclusions. Our Thornhill dentist, Dr. Bastone will keep a close eye on your child's oral development to make sure there is room for their healthy and beautiful smile to grow.

If your child requires orthodontic treatments our Richmond Hill dental team will recommend starting treatment between the ages of 10 and 14. At this age, the mouth is still developing and the teeth can easily be moved. Early treatment can prevent more extensive and costly treatment later when your child becomes an adult.

Correcting a bite alignment through orthodontic treatment can improve dental health, boost self-confidence and create a terrific-looking smile.

Our Richmond Hill dentist, Dr. Bastone would be pleased to talk to you about the benefits of orthodontics next time you are in to see us. We serve the Maple, Thornhill, Richmond Hill and surrounding areas and would love to help you!